Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ludicrous Gibs!

What's going on, brothas?? Haven't reported in a while, but in anticipation for my mix CD you all will be getting in the mail in the next couple days or so, I figured I'd take us all on a quick stroll down Memory Lane. Do you guys remember that game "Rise Of The Triad"? I remember it being one of the first games we had when we first got the PC back in '96, was it? Talk about a blast from the past! Anyways, I played it a while back on an online DOS emulator or something of the sort, and I must admit it was quite fun. So hopefully you guys will get as much a kick out of this as I did playing it for the first time in 16 years. Enjoy!


  1. I tried to play this a couple years ago but the video just wasn't coming through well (super pixelated). I was wanting to check out the level where you start out on one side of windows and a lot of bad guys are on the other side with a bunch of spinning blades. You just make sure you don't break the glass and all the guys get chopped up. So dumb.

  2. I've got to admit that the beginning of said level was so easy it was stupid. I'd say probably one of the better aspects of this game is that there's a more physically realistic limit on how many weapons you can carry (you can't carry more than one rocket-type weapon), something that is seldom seen in single person shooter games.
