Tuesday, December 20, 2011

May Brothers Mix CD #1


  1. So a guy at work wants to know what program you used to make the cd info card. He's been hounding me about it the last 3 days. Figured I should actually ask. Honestly, if you had any skills you could put together something like that with Microsoft Word and a decent printer. But there are programs that are supposed to make it easier but I find them to be lacking sometimes.

    1. I would use Adobe Illustrator of Microsoft Publisher. I think that Adobe has changed the name of Illustrator in the latest creative suite but in my CS3, that's what it be called.

    2. I'm not skilled enough to use Illustrator, or any other multi-layer editing program, though I do see how it could make things easier. I generally use a mix of Microsoft Paint and Picassa Photo Editor. The trick is to pretend like you want it to look crappy.
      On the back side, I copied the playlist from iTunes and pasted it as a table in Paint.

      Does your co-worker want to hire me to make his indie band's album art?

    3. Oh, and the GW is just a modified version of a cell phone pic I took somewhere around here.

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